Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ramblings on Relationships Pt. 1

Relationships are funny things.  The subject of relationships have been thrown in our faces so much the past few weeks with Valentine's Day being this past Saturday and all.  So of course all the focus is put on romantic relationships.  I suppose they are important.  There are so many relationships that we build all the time, with everyone in our lives.  Often times we have a pretty skewed view on different relationships.   Friendships become competitions, romantic relationships become engrossed in materialistic ideal, pride destroys family bonds; the list could go on and on forever.  We as humans drop the ball in the relationship department.

I am by no means an expert when it comes to relationships.  I screw up a lot.  So do know that I'm definitely talking to myself mostly here.  But, from what limited knowledge God has allowed me to posses I have noticed a few things.

On the subject of romantic relationships.  It is imperative that we make the focus of our relationships Christ-centered.  It becomes so easy today to just let everything become about mushy gooey feelings and emotions, and worst of all: things.  Yes things.  It has become about getting getting getting and giving giving giving the biggest and best gifts and what not.  Now like I said, I am far from an expert.  There are two questions that I think we can use to examine our romantic relationships.  First: Is this relationship bringing glory to God?  Second: If the relationship were to end now, would both people involved be closer to God than when the relationship began?  I know they seem simple.  But I suppose it is something to think about.

Also love is a verb people.  You can say love with your words all you'd like, and even with some superficial actions, but what really matters is how you really show someone you love them.  How you love with a selfless love.  Love them more than yourself.  Show them in how you act, in how you speak to them, and to others, how you treat your parents, in everything.  You should always reflect the love of Christ in all that you do.  Romantic relationships are no different.  They are actually the example Christ used to illustrate how he loves his church.

I am quite sorry for the scatteredness of my thoughts on this facet of relationships.  It is something that I am very, not experienced in.  I guess what the gist of everything is that our dating lives should be a mirror into our relationship with God.  It is important that we take a good long look at any relationship we are about to enter into and really examine it, hold it up to scripture, even ask other people whom you trust to give their advice.  Also, it wouldn't hurt to actually have a list of things you want in a guy/girl and have some "non negotiables" that you just can't compromise on.  I just feel that dating should be something that we take more seriously, especially if everything we are to do is to reflect on God.  So many times the place where individuals compromise their morals and values is in the dating area.  It must change.

That is all.

Romans 12:2

P.S. My girlfriend rocks.

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