Wednesday, January 21, 2009

such great heights

'criticism is something we can avoid easily by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing'


criticism comes.  it always has and always will.  this can be a hard pill to swallow.  as a christian we are told time and time again that criticism will come even more often.  i know it has been for me in my life.  no matter how well you think you are doing, someone, somewhere has something to say, something to pick apart about what you did.  what really stinks is when the criticism comes from someone you really care about.
what stinks even more than that i when this person coming after you, is coming after you for all the wrong reasons.  often times though that is what happens.

when i found aristotle's quote at the top it really just caused me to start thinking.  to do some hardcore thinking.  i guess we just to continue doing what we feel we need to.  to keep seeking Christ, and let the rest of the stuff take care of itself.  we have to learn to deal with the criticism.  the awesome thing is that Christ wants to take care of that burden.
so amazing.

on a side note. i missed two classes today. and came extremely close to sleeping through another japanese class.

pray that i survive this semester.


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Monday, January 19, 2009

Plug in Baby

What a day this has been.  It started much earlier than days should.  Six thirty just isn't good for me.  But no matter, I got up and packed the car, kissed my mother and sister goodbye, and set off for Clemson.  Saying goodbye, for me at least, is hard every time.  Now it is much easier to deal with, but it is still difficult.

Anywho.  As I drove, I started by sining very loudly until I reached Florence, just to ensure that I was actually awake.  For a lot of the remaining three hours I prayed and thought about my up coming interview.  The interview being to get on staff at Summersalt.  I was really nervous the whole time riding back, and in the time leading up to it.  But, everything ended up working out just wonderfully, and I feel I did my best, which is the most I could ask for.

I have absolutely nothing of any importance to say today.  No Lonnie-isms...

Terribly sorry.

I can suggest listening to Muse.


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Saturday, January 17, 2009


I guess being going off to college is kind of a big deal.  Its a big step in life.  I guess it is normal that as you reach different pinnacles in life you not only learn more an more new things about yourself, but you also take a lot more time to sit back and reflect on where you have been; all that you have been through.

The past few days I have found myself looking back more and more.  The video above is the intro to one of my favorite cartoons as a kid.  As I have looked back, I realized how priviledged I am to have grown up when I did.  During the era of some great television.  I had Power Rangers, Double Dragon, Beetleborgs, Tiny Toons, Duck Tales, Swat Kats, Street Sharks, and I could go on and on.  I won't because it is pretty useless to ramble on about old cartoons.

I guess the real thing that has caught my attention is that these shows are now considered "old".  That is crazy.  The music that I grew up to, the television, video games, all of that is old now.  I guess that happens to everyone, but it is just a surreal feeling to think about.  I now want everyone to take a moment and reflect on just how old you are.

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Mesopotamians

There are some things in life that you just never get over.  Personally, the fact that every morning I wake up in the place I've dreamed of since i was four blows me away everyday.  Like right now, I can just make my way to a nearby window and see Death Valley.  How cool is that?  And the people here are just amazing.  All the new friends, and new experiences I've been able to share with those people, it is almost surreal sometimes.  When I go home, I can go home to a family that loves me, and whom I love.  To a church that everyone knows my name.  To a place that loves me.  Now when I go back I am going back to an absolutely amazing girl.  There are just so many things in my life that, ten years ago, I would have never thought i would have had.  Goodness, even a device made of metal and a little plastic is holding like over 6,000 songs that i can listen to absolutely anywhere.  It is so amazing.

But the most amazing thing in my life, the thing that I can't begin to wrap my mind around, and that I hope I never ever get over; the fact that God, the God that created the world, everything you see, can possibly call me friend.  It makes no sense.  I shouldn't be able to pray right now and have the same being that rules over everything, that conquered death, Hell, and the grave listen to every word I say.  He knows the hairs on my head.  Thats absolutely insane.  It defies every ounce of logic I could place together.  Its really not fair.  I don't deserve it.  But in the words of my good friend Matt Theissen, "The beauty of grace is that it makes life unfair."  Wonderfully put if I do say so myself.

I guess the reason all of this popped into my mind is because we listened to a group of students at BCM who went to China over the Christmas holiday.  After hearing their stories, I felt a huge burden to be more direct and initiate more when it comes to telling others about Christ.  I'm too blessed not too.  To whom much is given much is expected.  So God obviously has a lot he wants me to do.  Its scary putting yourself out there, but I just can't settle for anything else.  God deserves more than that.


Romans 12:2

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Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lukewarm Sprite

It is absolutely amazing how God works things out, or well how he places things in our path daily that like, lead us to him.  It is crazy how you will receive different little "sermons" from Him when you are actively seeking him, and when you yearn to know him more.  What is even more amazing is when He weaves all these clues together with a central theme or motif that really just radiates through each situation.

For almost a year, God has really been beating me over the head with this one idea.  It seems like every book I read, every conversation, sermon, almost anything, it all either directly or indirectly in my mind goes back to this idea of love.  Even today in English, my professor was talking about the word love.  There is only one word for love in the English language; that being love.  In other languages though, like Latin, there are like seven or eight, and even in some languages almost a hundred words used to describe different kinds of love.  I guess what I am saying is that so many times we trivialize love.  We love the new Brittany Spears song, we love our dog, we love our significant other, and we love our God.  Love is something we don't take seriously anymore.

I've decided to change that. In my life at least.  As I've stated before, I recently read the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan.  It is an amazing book and I recommend it to anyone.  It has really challenged me to fall in love with Christ.  As I journey to this passionate love for Christ, one that is unlike we see now-a-days, I have realized that if I want to fall in love with Christ, and love like Christ, that I needed to have love for those around me, for everything around me.  I really want to become better at loving others; really, really loving them.  It is hard, but it really changes things when you set out to do it.

I think that is about all for my ramblings for tonight.  Until next time, I bid thee farewell.


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Monday, January 12, 2009

monday night/tuesday morning

I really have to stop staying up so late every night.  It is beginning to become a problem.  Today I missed my 8:00 Japanese class.  I suppose sitting on my computer at ten till two isn't going to help a whole lot either.

So I guess today got started on the wrong foot (me missing my Japanese class and all).  As the day progressed though, it did continue to get better and better.  Well, it slowly got better.  My next class, frisbee sports, I made a complete idiot out of myself.  I was under the impression that people took the class to get familiar at frisbee sports, but in fact they take because they are awesome, and want to play with other people who are just as awesome as they are (i.e. not Lonnie).  My last class, creative genius, was pretty fun.  I got to listen to people far smarter than me talk about things that I would have never thought to talk about.  It was very very interesting.

So after all the blah blah school stuff came the real fun.  Or well awesomeness.  First of all my BCM Bible study leader is absolutely amazing.  He is a wonderful man of God, who has a tremendous passion for Christ.  Even though he is only a junior, he is much more mature in his faith than a lot of adult Christians from home.  Anyway, Jason (our leader), decided that he wanted to add a facet to the set Bible study plans, a section about being a godly man.  And well, the discussion that we had today was absolutely what i needed.  Everything said seemed to apply to my life.  We discussed church involvement, the roles of males, relationships with other males and with females (romantic relationships, not surprisingly, took up a majority of our discussion), and even with dealing with authority.  We were giving some materials and such, but really the most valuable thing was the discussion.  The guys in that room were completely real.  It was so awesome to see people so open, and humble about things that for so long i thought you didn't even bring up at church.  It was an amazing day.

Now there were many other things that happened today, such as a little Halo playing, and NCAA '09 playing, and even eating dinner with a friend and just talking.  I have been blessed beyond comprehension and I am truly thankful for all that i have.

until next time.


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Sunday, January 11, 2009

sunday night rambling

So the first like half week of school has finished.  What a week it has been.  It is going to be an amazing semester.  It is going to be challenging, more challenging than the last for several reasons.  I think i should end up with fairly good grades.

anyway though.  i have had some crazy stuff on my mind lately.  my mind has just been going nonstop.  but it has been good.  it is getting late though, so i will have to expound on these thoughts later.

konban wa


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