Saturday, January 17, 2009


I guess being going off to college is kind of a big deal.  Its a big step in life.  I guess it is normal that as you reach different pinnacles in life you not only learn more an more new things about yourself, but you also take a lot more time to sit back and reflect on where you have been; all that you have been through.

The past few days I have found myself looking back more and more.  The video above is the intro to one of my favorite cartoons as a kid.  As I have looked back, I realized how priviledged I am to have grown up when I did.  During the era of some great television.  I had Power Rangers, Double Dragon, Beetleborgs, Tiny Toons, Duck Tales, Swat Kats, Street Sharks, and I could go on and on.  I won't because it is pretty useless to ramble on about old cartoons.

I guess the real thing that has caught my attention is that these shows are now considered "old".  That is crazy.  The music that I grew up to, the television, video games, all of that is old now.  I guess that happens to everyone, but it is just a surreal feeling to think about.  I now want everyone to take a moment and reflect on just how old you are.

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