Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Lukewarm Sprite

It is absolutely amazing how God works things out, or well how he places things in our path daily that like, lead us to him.  It is crazy how you will receive different little "sermons" from Him when you are actively seeking him, and when you yearn to know him more.  What is even more amazing is when He weaves all these clues together with a central theme or motif that really just radiates through each situation.

For almost a year, God has really been beating me over the head with this one idea.  It seems like every book I read, every conversation, sermon, almost anything, it all either directly or indirectly in my mind goes back to this idea of love.  Even today in English, my professor was talking about the word love.  There is only one word for love in the English language; that being love.  In other languages though, like Latin, there are like seven or eight, and even in some languages almost a hundred words used to describe different kinds of love.  I guess what I am saying is that so many times we trivialize love.  We love the new Brittany Spears song, we love our dog, we love our significant other, and we love our God.  Love is something we don't take seriously anymore.

I've decided to change that. In my life at least.  As I've stated before, I recently read the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan.  It is an amazing book and I recommend it to anyone.  It has really challenged me to fall in love with Christ.  As I journey to this passionate love for Christ, one that is unlike we see now-a-days, I have realized that if I want to fall in love with Christ, and love like Christ, that I needed to have love for those around me, for everything around me.  I really want to become better at loving others; really, really loving them.  It is hard, but it really changes things when you set out to do it.

I think that is about all for my ramblings for tonight.  Until next time, I bid thee farewell.


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